I'm a newbie with integrating ads too, but I was successful in integrating adwhirl after a while. The instructions for section 6 aren't clear at all. This is what you need to do:
1) Inside your ViewController.h:
#import "AdWhirlView.h"
#import "AdWhirlDelegateProtocol.h"
@interface ViewController : UIViewController <AdWhirlDelegate>{
//your code
3) Inside your ViewController.m:
above the @implementation:
#define kSampleAppKey @"yourAdWhirlKey"
4) Inside the @implementation:
#pragma mark AdWhirlDelegate methods
- (NSString *)adWhirlApplicationKey{
return kSampleAppKey;
- (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingModalView{
return self;
Now for section 7:
5) Inside your ViewController.m
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
AdWhirlView *awView = [AdWhirlView requestAdWhirlViewWithDelegate:self];
[self.view addSubview:awView];
// that's it!